
Love Story: Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen: I Love You

…4 months later…

It was the beginning of spring, April 10th to be exact. And today would be the day I remembered for the rest of my life. Today would be the day when I married my one and only true love, Edward Cullen. The night before I could barely sleep; it was partially because Alice refused to let Edward and me sleep in the same bed.  
I had been living with the Cullens, along with Alice and Rose, ever since my confrontation with Charlie. Esme decorated a guest room for me but I usually ended up sneaking to Edward’s room and falling asleep in his room. Alice, Rose, and Esme had gotten numerous pictures of it.
The other reason was pure excitement. I finally fell asleep at about 10 PM though. Alice, Rose, and I slept in a guest bedroom. They locked the door and hid the key so I couldn’t escape to Edward’s arms.
I woke up at around 7AM and noticed that I was the only one in the room and the door was open. That gave me an idea. I quietly snuck out of the room and to the third story. I was almost to Edward’s room when Alice and Rose stepped out of his room.
“We thought that this would be the first place you went to when you woke up.” Alice said.
“Edward isn’t here. He’s helping with the finishing touches at the meadow.” Rose told me. When Edward and I were picking out a place for the ceremony to be held I had thought that the meadow would be a good place. It turned out that the meadow was on the Cullen’s property. Carlisle and Emmett had made a pathway from their backyard to the meadow so the guests could easily get there. And yesterday we had all partially got it ready. The best part was that Carlisle and Esme had gotten married there too.
“You guys are evil.” I grumbled as I turned around and began walking towards the kitchen. Rose and Alice each put one arm around my shoulders and walked with me.
“You know the rules. You can’t see your fiancé until the wedding.” Alice laughed.
“Let’s see how well you and Jasper do that in a one month.” I smiled evilly. Alice and Jasper were engaged and were getting married on May 10th. Also, Rose and Emmett were getting married in about two weeks, three days after I would get home from my honeymoon with Edward.
“I’ll live with it.” She laughed, though she looked a little scared.
“Anyway, after breakfast we will get straight to work.” Rose said.
“That sounds great to me.” Alice laughed. When we got to the kitchen Esme was cooking us breakfast. We sat down at the table and talked with her. Esme told us about her wedding day and how Emmett Edward and Jasper started a food fight with the cake; they were about four years old at the time.
“My dress was ruined, my hair was ruined, and I was perfectly happy.” She finished, smiling at the memory.
“That’s a cute story, but if any of them start a food fight today I will kill him.” I said.
“We’ll help you.” Alice and Rose said in unison.
“Your breakfast is ready.” Esme put our plates in front of us. She had made my favorite breakfast; crepes with bananas, strawberries, and chocolate sauce. On the side was toast, eggs, and hot chocolate.
“Thank you Esme. You didn’t have to go through all of this trouble.” I said.
“It was no problem. It’s not every day that you get married.” She said as I hugged her. “Anyway, I finished decorating your house so when you get back from your honeymoon it will be all ready.”
Edward and I were going to move into one of Carlisle and Esme’s guest houses. You couldn’t see it from their backyard, but you could see the beginning of the cobblestone path leading to the house hidden by the thick forest. If you followed the path for about ten yards you entered the small clearing that the house was in the middle of.
It wasn’t small, but it wasn’t big. On the first floor was a family/living room, a kitchen, a laundry room, and a dining room. On the second story was the master bedroom, with a master bathroom attached, three extra bedrooms, and two bathrooms. It was perfect for Edward and I. There were also two other pathways going to two other guest houses that Alice and Jasper and Rosalie and Emmett were moving into after they were married. All three housed were identical. The main thing for us to pick those houses was that they were close to each other.
When we finished breakfast Alice sent me to Esme and Carlisle’s bathroom brush my teeth and stuff like that.
I brushed my teeth, combed through my hair, and then got in the shower. I was very nervous. The hot water really helped calm me and get rid of the knots in my back caused by a restless sleep.
“Bella, are you done yet?” Alice asked from the other side of the door to the bathroom.
“Yeah, I’ll be out in a minute!” I called. When I was finished I put jean shorts and a blue tank top on; there was no need to get dressed up as I would be putting my wedding dress on soon. “Okay guys, you can come in!” I called as I unlocked the door. Alice, Rose, and Esme entered the bathroom.
“Okay Bella, sit.” Alice commanded. I sat in the revolving chair in front of the mirror. Esme wrapped a towel around my shoulders so my clothes wouldn’t get wet. Rose and Alice began combing through my hair.
Esme did her hair while Rose and Alice began drying my hair. When Esme was done she took over for Alice so she could do her hair. Then she took over for Rose who then did her hair. Right when Rose finished her hair my hair was completely dry.
Esme had pulled her hair into a perfectly smooth twisted bun. Black chopsticks with read designs on them were in her bun. Both Alice and Rose had slept with pin curlers in their hair. Now they both had sleek pin curls. Alice’s framed her hair perfectly. Rose’s pin curls fell perfectly down her back. The each tied a thick black and red ribbon around their hair like a headband. They kept each strand out of their faces.
After brushing through my hair one last time Alice pulled my hair back into a perfectly smooth ponytail near the top of my head. Not one hair was out of place and there were absolutely no bumps. Then all three of them proceeded to take large pieces of my hair and sprayed them with hairspray and moose and many other products.
“Guys, my hair is going to be stiff and greasy with all of these hair products!” I exclaimed.
“Bella, all of these hair products we’re using are my own secret recipe.” Alice said. “They will make your hair soft, shiny, and bouncy. It even helps heal dry or damaged hair.”
After they had put all of the hair products in my hair they put the large pieces of hair into hot curlers. As soon as all of my hair was in curlers, they began doing my make-up. They did the same rotation as when they were doing my hair. Esme did her makeup while Rose and Alice did mine. Then she took over for Alice who, when she finished, took over for Rose.
When Rose finished her makeup, she helped Esme and Alice finish mine. My makeup took so much longer than theirs because they had to “perfect it” according to all three of them. It took them almost an hour to perfect.
Esme had very light makeup on. Her eye shadow was a tannish-brown color and her lipstick was a light shade of glossy brown. It was simple, yet she looked beautiful. She looked way too young to have a son who was getting married though I knew the reason for that.
Rose and Alice had matching makeup. They had a light pink blush on their cheeks. Their eye shadow was a light shaded of gray. Their lipstick was a light glossy pink. All three looked perfect. I thought it impossible that I could look better than them like Rose claimed I did.
Alice turned the chair so that I was facing the mirror. I looked beautiful! I had never thought myself as ugly, I was actually quite pretty, but that day I looked perfect. My skin was a creamy ivory. My cheeks were a rosy pink color. My eye shadow was a pink glimmery color that lightly sparkled in the light. My eyes were framed with thick long lashes. The most beautiful, shocking thing was my lips. They were always unusually red, but that day they were a shocking blood red. They had put some gloss and shimmer over it. Over all, I loved my face.
“Thank you.” I choked out as I hugged them.
“Don’t start crying. You’ll ruin your new face.” Alice joked. They began spraying hairspray over my hair to make sure it would stay in place when they took the curlers out. Jasper entered the room and cleared his throat. We all turned our head in his direction. Alice skipped over to him and kissed his cheek.
“Nice hair Bella. I’m sure Edward will love it.” Jasper snickered when he saw the curlers in my hair. “Very funny Jazz.” I rolled my eyes.
“What do you need honey?” Esme asked.
“Well, you see…um” He looked extremely uncomfortable.
“What?” I asked.
“Well, Charlie is here…along with Jacob and Billy Black. He is demanding to talk to Bella. He says that it is extremely important.” He said. I tensed up. It wasn’t such a surprise that Charlie was here. Edward and I had decided to send him an invitation to be civil. I just didn’t know if I wanted to face him.
“Bella, you don’t have to talk to him. Emmett will have no problem escorting him away.” Rose said as she put a hand on my shoulder.
“No, it’s fine. I’ll talk to him.” I said, mostly to myself.
“Okay, I’ll go get him.” Before Jasper could leave Charlie stormed in. I just stared at him. I hadn’t seen him in four months since the day I had told him off.
“I need to talk to you.” He said.
“I’m listening.” I said in a hard voice.
“I need to speak to you alone.” He said, glaring at everyone. They didn’t move on inch.
“Guys, it’s fine. I can talk to him alone.” I said, though I probably shouldn’t have.
“Just call us if you want him gone.” Jasper said.
“I will.” I smiled a small smile. They all filed out and shut the door. Charlie sat on the counter and just stared at me.
“I don’t have all day. If you have something to say, just say it.” My voice was hard.
“Juliet, you have to marry Jacob. You two have been betrothed since birth.” I was about to say something to him when he motioned for me to keep my mouth shut. “You can’t get out of it now. You need to stop being childish and selfish. Talk to Edward and have Jacob take his place. I’m sure everyone will understand. It’s not like you love Edward.”
I stared wordlessly at him. A stream of profanities went through my mind but none escaped my lips. I finally found my voice after a moment. “You have got to be kidding me.” I said, my jaw tense.
“I’m serious Juliet. You will marry Jacob.”
“My name is Bella.” My voice was cold and hard. “And yes I do love Edward. I am in love with him. That is why Edward and I are getting married today. There is nothing you can do to stop it. You know what’s really sad, my biological father can’t’ see how I really feel and could care less about me. But, you know what, now I have a real family that cares about me.”
“You don’t honestly consider them your family. I am your only family. I am the only one who will ever accept you. I had to pay Billy to have him agree to have Jacob marry you. These people don’t accept you. No one is even walking you down the aisle What does that say to you? Do you really think that Edward will marry someone as screwed up as you? Jacob is you’re only chance at a future.” Charlie said. It was then when he went too far and crossed the line. He had said some nasty things before, but that, by far, was the worst.
“You are such a big jerk. I can’t believe you could say that. I am not a piece of trash. I deserve a family that will love me and respect me. It took my eighteen years to find that, but I did. All of them love me and they don’t try to put me down like that.” I refused to let the tears in my eyes to fall. I would not show weakness in front of him/
Charlie seemed to have realized that his words didn’t make me fearful, but hurt. “Juli- Bella, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it in that way. I just… I want the best future for you and you have to see reason. I’m sorry.” His voice softened and he put a hand on my shoulder. I shook it off and stood up and walked to the mirror, looking straight forward. He got up and stood next to me.
“Charlie, all you ever do is apologize yet you never change. Why should I believe you now? When you say you’re sorry that means that you won’t do it again. Yet you always do. I don’t even want to believe you now, because I know that it’s useless.”
“Ju- Bella, I am truly sorry. What I said was out of line. I…I’ll do anything to prove it to you. I won’t try to stop you from marrying Edward. I’ll walk you down the aisle. When you were young, before you knew about your engagement, you used to always say to your maids that you wanted your dad to walk you down the aisle.”
His apology seemed sincere, but he had gone too far too many times. “I did tell my nannies that I wanted my father to walk me down the aisle, and he will, not you.”
There was hurt in his eyes. “What do you mean?” He asked quietly.
“You can attend my wedding, but you will not walk me down the aisle. My real father will do that.” I replied icily, looking at my hands, sobbing a tearless cry. Charlie stormed out of the room.
Jasper, Esme, Rosalie, and Emmett came back in. Esme helped me sit back in the chair and hugged me. “We heard everything. We’re so sorry dear.” Esme whispered just like I guessed a real mother would do. She was my mother in a way. She was the only mother I ever knew. I hugged her and let the tears spill over. The others patted my back; they just comforted me and let me cry.
“I’m sorry for breaking down like this.” I sobbed.
“Its fine Bella, you have every reason to.” Rose assured me. I took a deep breath and sat up straight.
“Can I talk to Carlisle?” I asked.
“I’ll go get him and tell Edward and Emmett what happened.” Jasper said. “By the way, you were very brave.” He smiled at me and left after kissing Alice lightly. Even though I was sad, I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about how cute Alice and Jasper were together, as were Rose and Emmett. Rose got a clothe wet and began wiping my now ruined makeup off my face.
“Sorry.” I whispered.
“It’s just makeup. We can redo it.” Alice assured me. I gave her a shocked look.
“Did you actually say that?” I asked, kidding around.
“It’s probably the only time you’ll hear me say that, so cherish the moment.” Alice warned me. We all laughed, though my laugh was off key. I couldn’t shake that bad feeling that I had since Charlie walked into the room. Carlisle soon walked into the room.
“Hey Bella, Jasper said that you wanted to talk to me?”
“Yeah. Um…I don’t know how to word this exactly. But, um, will you walk me down the aisle?” I asked.
“I thought you didn’t want anyone to walk you down the aisle.” Carlisle said. When we were still planning the wedding I didn’t want anyone to walk me down the aisle, but I changed my mind. It was true that when I was little I told the maids and nannies that I wanted my father to walk me down the aisle and Charlie had reminded me of that.
“I know, but, ever since I was little I always wanted my father to walk me down the aisle, and you are the only father I’ve ever known.” I admitted.
“I would be honored.” Carlisle said, beaming.
“Dad, Edward wants to talk to you.” Emmett poked his head in the door. “Oh, and Bella, I’ll beat Jacob up for you if you want.” He offered.
“I’ll have to get back to you on that. It depends if he ruins my wedding or not.” I had a feeling that he would be there. Carlisle and Emmett left.
“Okay, we’re running behind schedule. So…Rose, redo Bella’s makeup. Esme and I will start working on her hair.” Alice said. I leaned back in my chair and relaxed.
“Are you okay?” Rose asked as she began applying foundation.
“Yeah. I’ll um…I’ll be fine.” I lied. Today was supposed to be the best day of my life. Why did Charlie always have to ruin everything for me? It only took Rose half an hour to fix my makeup because she already knew what shades and colors of things to apply. When Rose finished my makeup she began helping with my hair. My makeup looked even better than before.
My phone vibrated on the counter. I didn’t check who was calling. “Hello?” I asked when I answered it.
“Hello my love.” Just hearing Edward’s voice made me feel better.
“We aren’t supposed to see each other you know.” I said.
“This isn’t seeing each other. It’s just talking.” He laughed.
“Why are you calling? Is everything okay?” I asked, beginning to panic.
“No, everything’s fine, at least with the decorations. I however am worried about you. Jasper told me what Charlie said to you. Are you okay?” He asked.
“I’ll be fine.” This time I wasn’t lying.
“I can talk to Charlie if you would like me to.” He offered.
“Don’t waste your time. Let’s just shut the Charlie, Billy, and Jacob drawers, lock them, and melt the key. Today is only about you and me.” I said, feeling much better.
“That sounds good to me. By the way, nothing Charlie said is true. Rose, Alice, Emmett, Jasper, mom, and dad all love you like family. I am in love with you. You are not screwed up. And even if you were, I would love you all the same.” He assured me. I could imagine his eyes burning with love as he said that.
“Thank you.” I whispered.
“Well, I have to go get ready and make sure Emmett and Jasper don’t get their tuxes dirty.” He laughed. “See you in a few hours.” His voice seemed happier at that thought.
“I’ll be the one in white.” I smiled to myself. I shut my phone and put it back on the counter.
“You seem happier.” Esme observed.
“Yeah.” I shrugged and looked at my ring. Edward had it specially made just for me. The golden band was as thin as a single piece of thread yet it was still quite strong. The princess cut diamond was very big. It was outlined by small rubies. It was very beautiful. I couldn’t have cared less if it was just a plastic one dollar ring, though I’m sure this ring cost over ten thousand dollars. It was the thought and time that Edward put into it. Even though at the time he wasn’t sure what would happen in our relationship.
Esme, Rose, and Alice began taking my hair out of the curlers and spraying even more of the hair product on the now curled hair. They finally got all of my hair down. Now my hair was curled into very large curls. Just as Alice had claimed, my hair was shiny and soft. Whenever I moved my head even a fraction of an inch the curls would bounce.
“My hair looks wonderful.” I murmured.
“We aren’t done yet silly.” Alice giggled. She took on curl and pinned the end of it under the base of my ponytail with a bobby pin with a diamond on the end of it. They did that with the rest of the curls, overlapping other curls, using bobby pins with real diamonds on them. My hair was soon styled in a bun. Since the curls were so loose and large the bun looked soft and beautiful. Because of the diamonds, my hair sparkled.
“Do you like it?” Rose asked hopefully. She had spent weeks thinking of a good hairstyle.
“It’s wonderful.” I said as I hugged her. Alice looked at the clock and gasped.
“The guests are arriving right now! We need to get you into your dress!” She exclaimed. I had never seen my dress before; Alice told me that it was a surprise. She had handmade it. She had spent months on my dress, starting the day Edward and I announced our engagement. I stood up and took my clothes off; soon I was only in my undergarments.
“Okay, we’re going to get your dress. While we are, you will put these on.” Alice handed me a pair of lacy undergarments. My face went red from just looking at them.
“Alice Mary Elizabeth Brandon! I am not wearing these!” I exclaimed.
“Yes you are. Both you and Edward will thank me later.” She wiggled her eyebrows and they all left to get my dress. I blushed as I put my undergarments on. They were lacy, white and red, and was I had to admit. The bra was strapless so I guessed that my dress didn’t have any sleeves or spaghetti straps.
They soon came back with my dress. It was in a bag and they were all being extra careful with it. Rose carefully got it out of the bag as Alice covered my eyes. Rose and Esme slipped it over my body. Rose held it up as Esme first buttoned the back, then laced it shut. Alice then put my shoes on and I opened my eyes.
The top of my dress was a strapless bodice that hugged my waist. It was made of a soft and smooth, yet firm material. It had a sweetheart necklace and showed off a little of my chest.
“I hand sowed very small diamonds in the outermost layer of the fabric of the whole dress.” Alice admitted.
And sure enough over the bodice was a clear fabric that had hand sown very small diamonds in designs. The designs were in elegant swirls that somehow connected with each other.
The skirt started at my hipbones. The skirt was made out of many layers of white fabric. The top layer, which was the only layer you could see, was the same diamond fabric that was covered my bodice. The skirt didn’t have a train; it flared out thanks to the many layers of fabric and ended about five feet away from me at all angles.
My shoes were white six inch stilettos. They were only held on by a thin strand of ribbon going over the middle of my foot and two ribbons that wrapped around my ankles and calves.
“Do you like it?” Alice asked hopefully.
“I love it. I can’t believe that a dress could be this beautiful.” I said in awe as I hugged her.
“Thanks.” Alice was beaming. “Anyway, the dress is something new…”
Esme put a necklace around my neck that ended right above my dress. It had one diamond with a small ruby on either side. “I wore that on my wedding day so that’s something old.”
Rose put diamond and ruby dangly earrings in my ears. “I want those back so they’re something borrowed.”
Alice ducked under my skirt and slipped a light blue garter on my leg. “And that is something blue.”
“Now for the finishing touches…” Esme said as she put a small tiara in front of my headdress of curls. Rose clipped my veil into my hair. The clip was hidden underneath my bun. The veil was made of the diamond material on my dress. There were five layers, each layer was one inch shorter than the one bellow it. The longest layer went to the ground.
“You look beautiful.” Alice assured me as she pulled me in front of a mirror. I smiled as I pinched myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.
“Thank you.” I whispered as I hugged them. All three ran into different rooms to change. Esme was wearing a black wrap dress that had long sleeves and went to her knees. Rose and Alice, seeing that they were my maids of honors, had matching dresses. They had sweetheart necklines and one inch sleeves. It was a simple silhouette that flowed to their feet, showing only two inches of their ballet flats. The material was black as were their shoes. Right under their bust line was a thin red ribbon that tied in the back.
Emmett and Jasper entered the room. “We’re ready.” Emmett told us.
“Everyone is here and seated.” Jasper said. They were wearing black shoes, black dress pants, red dress shirts, black ties, and black suit jackets. I carefully walked down the two staircases and to the backyard. Alice and Rose held my skirt up as we walked on the trail leading to the meadow so no dirt would get on my skirt.
Esme walked to her seat and Emmett and Jasper, after getting my ring to give to Edward, walked to their place which was by Edward. I couldn’t see into the meadow because I had to walk through an archway that had strings of bead hanging from it that made it impossible to see through it. Carlisle was waiting with Alice, Rose, and me.
“Here is your bouquet.” Rose handed me a bouquet with white, black, and blood red roses. The colors for the wedding were white, black, and blood red.
The pianist began playing a soft melody. Alice began walking down the aisle soon followed by Rose. When they walked up the staircase to the middle area of the castle, as I called it, the pianist began playing the wedding march. The guest stood up and looked towards the archway as they couldn’t see me yet.
I linked my arm around Carlisle’s and we walked through the archway and into the meadow. It was decorated beautifully with red, white, and black roses. I didn’t pay attention to that, to any of the guests, or to the lack of sunlight.
When the guests saw me they all gasped and murmurs ran through the crowd. I blush crept up to my cheeks as I tried not to trip over my own feet. I was so worried that I would trip and make a foot out of myself. But when I looked up from the ground all of my worries disappeared.
Edward was waiting for me at the top of the steps to the towers. Emmett and Jasper were by his side and Alice and Rose were on the other side of him, when I got there they would be by my side. The priest was behind them. I paid them no heed. Edward was all that I saw.
His skin contrasted perfectly with his black tux and blood red vest. He had black dress shoes on. His hair looked as if he had combed through it and actually put some effort into styling it. His brilliant emerald eyes smoldered. When his gaze met mine he smiled my favorite crooked smile and my breath caught in my throat.
“Breathe Bella.” Carlisle half laughed half whispered. I took a deep breath and smiled back at Edward. We finally reached the steps. Carlisle kissed my cheek and sat down next to Esme. I looked over my shoulder and they both smiled reassuringly. As I was turning my head, I caught a glimpse of Charlie, Billy, and Jacob; all three were glaring. But nobody could ruin this for me now.
I lifted the front of my very large skirt and began climbing the staircase. My eyes locked with Edward’s and my heartbeat increased as it suddenly dawned on me. I was actually marrying Edward. Nothing could stop me. All of my dreams were coming true. My smile grew wider as did Edward’s.
I had nearly reached the balcony between the two towers; I only had one step left. I only put half my foot on the floor of the balcony and when I lifted my other foot I slipped. But, instead of falling flat on my face, two arms wrapped around my waist. I already knew who had saved me before I looked up at his glorious face. Edward chuckled and I blushed.
As soon as I was steady on my feet Edward let go of my waist and took my hand. I handed my bouquet to Alice and Edward and I turned to face each other, our hands intertwined and the priest began. “Dearly beloved, we have been gathered here today…” I looked into Edward’s eyes the whole time. Soon it was time for our vows we had each spent hour writing for each other. Edward went first.
“Isabella, my Bella, I have loves you ever since I looked into your beautiful eyes. And every moment that I spent with you, spent thinking about you, I fell deeper and deeper. I knew you were different when you put up with my brothers’ antics without a complaint. I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you when you were willing to go through anything with me so we could stay together. I promise that I will never stop falling more and more in love with you. I promise to always remain faithful to you. I will always put you before me and anyone else. I promise that you will always have a special place in my heart. I will always comfort you, hold you, stand by your side. And most of all, I promise you my heart.”
The tears of joy in my eyes were now trickling down my cheeks. Luckily Rose had thought to put water proof makeup on the second time. His eyes were gloriously intense as he looked into my eyes. I was surprised that I remembered how to talk.
“Edward, as crazy as this will sound, the moment I saw you I knew I could love you. When you comforted me and got me to dance I fell in love with you. At first, your lifestyle confused me. Then you took the time to explain. That only increased my love for you. I promise that I will always put up with your brothers’, and your, antics. I promise to always be faithful to you. I will comfort you when you’re upset. I will always help you when you need it. I promise you my heart and soul. And I promise to always love you, forever.”
An “aww” went through the crowd. As the preacher said a few more things, I looked back into Edward’s eyes, wondering how in the world I got so lucky. He was looking at me as if he had won the lottery and I was his prize.
“Do you, Isabella Juliet Marie Swan, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, through richer and poorer, through good and bad, through sickness and health, to love and cherish, even after death had passed?”  Reverend Webber asked me.
“I do.” I choked out through my tears.
“What symbol are you using of your love?” He asked
“This ring.” Rosalie handed me Edward’s golden wedding band.
“Now, put it on his left ring finger and repeat after me.” I slipped the ring on his finger. “Say: with this ring, I thee wed.”
“With this ring, I thee wed.” I smiled as I said those words.
“Do you, Edward Anthony Romeo Cullen, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, through richer and poorer, through good and bad, through sickness and health, to love and cherish, even after death had passed?” Reverend Webber asked Edward.
“I do.” He replied with undeniable confidence and joy.
“What symbol are you using of your love?” He asked.
“This ring.”  Emmett gave Edward my engagement ring.
“Put it on her left ring finger and repeat after me.” Edward slipped the ring on my finger. “Say: with this ring, I thee wed.”
“With this ring, I thee wed.” His eyes got soft, yet they still were intense, like he was looking into the very depths of my soul. The tears of joy were still trickling down my cheeks.
“I know pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cullen. You may now kiss the bride.”
Edward took a step forward, closing any distance between us, and wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He gently lifted me up until my face was level with his. I gently pressed my lips to his. Our lips moved gently in synchronization, though it was getting more deep and passionate by the second. My hands braided themselves in his hair. His arms tightened around my waist as he licked my bottom lip, begging for entrance. I gladly let complied; it was the first time we had ever gone that far.
This was the best kiss we had ever shared at the time. In a way, it was our first kiss. It was our very first kiss as husband and wife. When that thought went through my head, it finally hit me. I was married to Edward Cullen. My life was complete.
We finally pulled away, but only to breathe. He rested his forehead on mine. We were both smiling and a flash from a camera went off, but we didn’t pay attention to that.
“I love you.” I whispered.
“I love you too.” He murmured. “You know what Bella, my Juliet, we finally got our love story.”
Disclaimer: I am not Taylor Swift or Stephenie Meyer. I do not own the song "Love Story" or "Twilight" :(

Here is the last chapter (don't panic; there will be an epilogue) I posted this same chapter earlier but than realized that I had left out some important pieces so i deleted that chapter, edited it, and then posted this one.
Anyway, i hope you all liked it as much as I did! (I couldn't wait for the wedding ever since the first chapter!! :D)
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i cried and i useally don't do that when i read storys here